Seminar Announcement (W. Holliday)

Starting from this week, our Logic Lunch Seminar Series changes its usual starting time, and turns into a Logic Aperitivo! The next talk will be given by Wesley Holliday (University of California, Berkeley) on May 20th, starting at 18:00. Save the date and join us on Zoom! Title: Logics of Imprecise, Comparative, and Regular Probability […]

Seminar Announcement (A. Novaro)

Don’t miss out on our next seminar of the Logic Lunch series! Next Thursday (April 22nd), Arianna Novaro (ILLC Amsterdam) will talk about Unravelling multi-agent ranked delegations, starting at 12:30. Save the date and join us on Zoom! Please find more information below, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more events and activities. […]

Seminar Announcement (S. Beckers)

Our Logic Lunch Seminar Series continues this week. Sander Beckers (MCMP Munich) will give the next talk on March 25th, starting at 12:30. Save the date and join us on Zoom at this link! Please find more information below, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date! Title: Causal Sufficiency and Actual Causation Abstract: Pearl opened […]

La matematica della filosofia (Pi Day 2021)

In occasione della giornata internazionale della matematica, conosciuta da tempo come come Pi Day, il Gruppo di Logica del Dipartimento di Filosofia “Piero Martinetti” dell’Università degli studi di Milano, in collaborazione con MaddMaths!, organizza un incontro rivolto alle studenti, agli studenti e al pubblico generale centrato sul contributo della matematica alla filosofia. Ospite dell’incontro sarà […]

Seminar Announcement (R. Kuznets)

After a successful first talk given by Fabrizio Riguzzi, our Logic Lunch Seminar Series continues! The second talk will be delivered by Roman Kuznets (TU Wien) next Thursday (March 11th) starting at 12:30. Save the date and join us on Zoom at this link! Title: Intuiting Duals of Proofs Abstract: Justification Logic was introduced by Sergei […]

Last talk of the Online Seminar Series 2020 — V. M. Abrusci: Syllogism and linear logic

The last talk for the year within the cycle of online seminars organized by the Milan Logic Group will be given by Vito Michele Abrusci on December 3rd, 2020, at 10:30 via Zoom. Please contact us for details for joining and stay tuned to this website for upcoming news on events for 2021. Abstract. Discoveries […]