
At LUCI Lab, logic is primarily a research mindset. We are inspired by, and seek to contribute to, the most pressing questions arising in science and technology.  We are extremely lucky to be witnessing the coming of age of data-intensive and AI-driven science. They are redefining the very meaning of scientific knowledge, how it is produced, and how it is transferred to society. At LUCI Lab, we ask what should follow from this kind of knowledge while it is still in the making.

  • Talk by E. Kubyshkina at PhilMath seminar

    Ekaterina Kubyshkina will present “A Hyperintensional Setting for Ignorance” at the PhilMath seminar, hosted by the IHPST at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), on March 4th at 14:00. Abstract: In our presentation, we propose an analysis of ignorance as a hyperintensional notion. In situations where two propositions are logically equivalent, an agent may…

  • Talk by Alexander Gebharter at LUCI seminar

    Title: Bias in asking for a second expert’s opinion (joint work with Barbara Osimani, Michal Sikorski and Zhitao Zhang) Abstract: In science, policy, and everyday life it is often advantageous to ask for a second expert’s opinion. Intuitively, it seems beneficial to provide the second expert with some background information, including the fact that there was…

  • Talk by E. Corsi at the workshop LeaLog@CSL

    Esther Corsi will present a talk “What Game are we Playing? A Game-Theoretic Approach to Data Bias and Machine Learning Unfairness” at the CSL 2025 Workshop on Learning and Logic (LeaLog@CSL) on February 10, 2025.

  • Talk by G. Primiero at the workshop WEITA 2025

    Giuseppe Primiero is an invited speaker at the 2nd Edition of the Workshop on Emerging ICT Trends & Applications (WEITA 2025), dedicated to the theme: “Explainable, Interpretable, and Trustworthy AI: Methods, Challenges, and Applications.”

  • Giornata Mondiale della Logica (World Logic Day)

    Nel 2019 l’UNESCO ha proclamato il 14 gennaio Giornata Mondiale della Logica (World Logic Day). L’iniziativa raccoglie adesioni in tutto il mondo, e il calendario di eventi è molto ricco. Grazie al Logic Uncertainty Computation and Information (LUCI) Lab del Dipartimento di Filosofia “Piero Martinetti”, anche l’Università degli Studi di Milano partecipa alle celebrazioni con un incontro dal…

  • Costanza Larese is awarded with the SILFS Prize for Women in Logic and Philosophy of Science

    Congratulations to Costanza Larese for winning the SILFS Prize for Women in Logic and Philosophy of Science with her article “Hintikka’s conception of syntheticity as the introduction of new individuals.”

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