Talk by Eric Pacuit

The next talk of our seminar series will be given by Eric Pacuit (University of Maryland) via Teams (please, see details below) on Monday, March 4h, starting from 12:30 (Milan time). Here it is the title and the abstract of his talk: Title: From paradox to principles: Splitting cycles and breaking ties Abstract: Voting on two alternatives appears unproblematic compared […]

Course by Sanjay Modgil

Prof. Sanjay Modgil, Reader in Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Informatics at King’s College London and visiting Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan, will teach a course entitled  Truth, Logic and Dialogue, on February 27 (room 515, at 10:30) and on February 28 (room S. Antonio I, at 10:30) at the Department of Philosophy (University of Milan). Anyone who […]

Talk by Sabine Frittella

The next talk of our seminar series will be given by Sabine Frittella (INSA Centre Val de Loire) via Teams (please, see details below) on Monday, February 26th, starting from 12:30 (Milan time). Here it is the title and the abstract of her talk: Title: Probabilistic reasoning with incomplete and contradictory information Abstract: Belnap-Dunn logic (BD) [1] was designed to reason […]

Seminar with Stefano Nicoletti (University of Twente)

Hi all, On September 15, in Aula Martinetti, at 2.30 pm we will have a seminar hold by Stefano Nicoletti (University of Twente). Title of the talk: ATM: a Logic for Quantitative Security Properties on Attack Trees Abstract: Critical infrastructure systems — for which high reliability and availability are paramount — must operate securely. Attack trees […]

Seminar with Melissa Antonelli on March 3rd

We are happy to announce that the third talk of the LUCI group seminar series ( will be given by Melissa Antonelli(University of Bologna & INRIA Sophia Antipolis) via Zoom (please, see details below) on Friday, March 3rd, starting from 2pm (Milan time).Title: On Classical Counting Propositional LogicAbstract: Interactions between logic and theoretical computer science are several and deep, and the […]

Seminar with Aybüke Özgün on Feb 17th

We are happy to announce the second talk of the LUCI group seminar given by Aybüke Özgün (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) on Friday, February 17th, starting from 2pm (Milan time). Title: Uncertainty about Evidence (joint work with Adam Bjorndahl) Abstract: We develop a logical framework for reasoning about knowledge and evidence in which the agent may be uncertain about how […]

Seminar Series 2023

Hi everybody! Our seminar series starts on Friday Febr. 3, at 2 pm. Our first speaker is Annemarie Borg. Here it is the title and the abstract of her talk: Title: Explaining Argumentation-Based Conclusions at the Netherlands Police Abstract: As AI systems are increasingly applied in real-life situations, it is essential that such systems can […]

Talk by Ole Hjortland on May 23rd

The talk by Ole Hjortland ( University of Bergen) for our Lunch Seminar series, originally planned for May 2nd, will take place on Monday, May 23rd at 13:00! Title: Logical pluralism and abductivism in logic Abstract: Logical knowledge has often been considered exceptional, either because it is a priori, foundational, or simply self-evident. Against this, […]