Talk by Alberto Termine

Our Lunch Seminar series continues on Monday, April 11th! Our speaker will be Alberto Termine ( University of Milan) who will give a talk on Model Checking Stochastic Multi Agent Systems with Imprecise Probabilities. See below for more information and the abstract: Abstract: Stochastic multi-agent systems raise the necessity to extend probabilistic model checking to […]

Talk by Elaine Pimentel

Our Lunch Seminar series continues on Monday, April 4th! We will host Elaine Pimentel (UCL London) who will give a talk on Ecumenical systems: from natural deduction with stoup to pure modal systems. See below for more information and the abstract: Abstract: Natural deduction systems, as proposed by Gentzen and further studied by Prawitz, is […]

Giuseppe Sergioli’s talk

Our Lunch Seminar series continues on Monday, March 7! We will host Giuseppe Sergioli (University of Cagliari) who will give a talk on Quantum Information and Machine Learning. From foundations to real applications See below for more information and the abstract: Abstract. This talk is about the connection between quantum in-formation theory and machine learning. […]

Francesca Toni’s seminar

Our Lunch Seminar series re-starts on Monday, February 21! We will host Francesca Toni (Imperial College London) who will give a talk on Argument graphs and assumption-based argumentation. See below for more information and the abstract: Abstract: Arguments in structured argumentation are usually defined as trees, and extensions as sets of such tree-based arguments with […]

Richard Booth’s Seminar

Tomorrow we will have our last LUCI Lunch Seminar before the break! Starting from 1 PM CET, Richard Booth from the University of Cardiff will give a talk on Conditional Inference under Disjunctive Rationality. Please find the link and more information below: Title: Conditional Inference under Disjunctive Rationality Abstract: The question of conditional inference, i.e., […]

Francesca Zaffora Blando’s Seminar

We are all very looking forward to this week’s invited talk! On Wednesday 24 we will host Francesca Zaffora Blando (Carnegie Mellon University) who will give a talk on Wald randomness and learning-theoretic randomness. Remember that our talks usually start at 1PM (CET) and typically last 1 hour. At the end we will have room […]

Giuseppe Sanfilippo’s Seminar

This Wednesday, come learn and have a chat about uncertain reasoning with us! Our group is thrilled to announce that Giuseppe Sanfilippo (University of Palermo) will give an invited talk on logical operations among conditional events under coherence. His talk will begin at 1 PM (CET) sharp on Wednesday the 10th. As usual, don’t forget […]