The next talk of our seminar series will be given by Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University) via Teams (please, see details below) on Monday, April 15th, starting from 12:30 CET. Here it is the title and abstract of his talk:
Title: A Logic for Strategic Reasoning of Rational Agents with Normative Constraints
Abstract: I will present a logic-based study of agency and multi-agent systems which brings together rationality and normativity. In particular, I will introduce, discuss, and illustrate with some examples the core version of the Logic for Strategic Reasoning with Normative Constraints SRNC, which is a formal logical system for reasoning about the strategic abilities of rational agents which act within a multi-agent system in pursuit of explicitly specified goals, in the context of individual and collective norms, such as permissions, obligations and prohibitions, which constrain accordingly their behaviour. A typical such normative constraint is of the type:
“The agent a may / must / may not perform an action satisfying a given condition C.”
These constraints naturally generalise to groups (coalitions) of agents.
The core version of the logic SRNC which I will present extends the Coalition Logic CL by conditioning the coalitional strategic operators of CL with such normative constraints, intuitively stated as follows:
“The coalition A has a joint action/strategy satisfying the system of normative constraints N(A) which guarantees achievement of a given goal G against any actions/strategies taken by the agents not in A which satisfy the normative constraints in N(A).”
Anyone who is interested is welcome to join.