We are all very looking forward to the first seminar of our Logic Lunch seminar series! Next Thursday at 12:30, Fabrizio Riguzzi from the University of Ferrara will discuss Probabilistic Logics. Save the date and join us on Zoom at this link! You can find more information in the abstract and flyer below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with our news and events!

Title: Probabilistic Logics
Abstract: This talk will present a point of view over the combination of logic and probability theory. I will first discuss two widely adopted logic languages: logic programming and description logics. After the illustration of similarities and differences, I will present how each has been integrated with probability theory using the so called “distribution semantics”. After a discussion of the semantics, I will briefly survey reasoning algorithms.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/95665311667?pwd=SnFnQkdwdmluTDJ3alRBb3VNVGkzQT09
Passcode: nYfMF9