New Member
Ekaterina Kubyshkina joined the LUCI Group as a postdoctoral researcher in the framework of the project “Foundations of Fair and Trustworthy AI”, funded by University of Milan.
Ekaterina Kubyshkina joined the LUCI Group as a postdoctoral researcher in the framework of the project “Foundations of Fair and Trustworthy AI”, funded by University of Milan.
We are thrilled to have on board Costanza Larese, who has just joined us as a Postdoctoral researcher. Costanza graduated in Philosophy from the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, where she also received her Ph.D. with a thesis on the principle of analyticity of logic. She was a visiting student at the Munich […]
We are delighted to welcome a new postdoctoral researcher, Esther Anna Corsi, who joined our group on the 1st of December! Esther got a BSc and MSc in Mathematics from the University of Siena. She will soon defend her Ph.D. thesis at TU Wien, where she has worked under the supervision of Prof. Chris Fermüller, […]
I am proud to announce my logical contribution to the “United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto ” (UNTOC), in particular concerning its Review Mechanism. The Convention represents the only global treaty instrument to fight transnational organized crime, as it counts 190 States parties. An important obligation for the parties to […]
Unfortunately, due to the precautionary measures for the Coronavirus outbreak, we have to cancel yet two seminars in our series: the one scheduled for 12/03, to be held by Pere Pardo (Unimi) and the one scheduled for 19/03, to be held by Anthia Solaki (University of Amsterdam). We will do our best to have all […]
Unfortunately, the first seminar of our series, by prof. Ofer Arieli, scheduled on February, 27th has to be canceled. Next week, all didactic activities and seminars at the University of Milan are suspended, due to precautionary measures.
The event will take place on December 3rd in Aula 113. For more details, see here.
The event will take place on November 28 in Aula Paci. For more details, see here.
Giuseppe Primiero has published a paper on logics for design in the Journal of Logic and Computation, exz014,
Jacopo Tagliabue (COVEO) gave a talk on 5th November on ”A Rose by any other Name”. Exploiting Knowledge Graphs for Lexical Learning in Information Retrieval