New Paper
Giuseppe Primiero has published a paper on logics for design in the Journal of Logic and Computation, exz014,
Giuseppe Primiero has published a paper on logics for design in the Journal of Logic and Computation, exz014,
Jacopo Tagliabue (COVEO) gave a talk on 5th November on ”A Rose by any other Name”. Exploiting Knowledge Graphs for Lexical Learning in Information Retrieval
A new paper by Giuseppe Primiero and Davide Ceolin (CWI Amsterdam) titled “A Granular Approach to Source Trustworthiness for Negative Trust Assessment” has been published in the Proceedings of the XIII Trust Management Conference. Details here.
The Logic Seminar Series at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan starts soon again for the 2019-2020 edition! First talk on November 5th. For all updates, see our Events page.
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER IN LOGIC Project: FORMAL ARGUMENTATION: A FRAMEWORK FOR RATIONAL REASONING AND LEARNING UNDER UNCERTAINTY IN AIDuration: 2 yearsWe are looking for a very strong and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher in Logic to join Marcello D’Agostino and Hykel Hosni who are the PIs of the project “Logical Foundations and Applications of Depth-Bounded Probability”. This project […]
New paper published: Angius, N. & Primiero, Infringing Software Property Rights: Ontological, Methodological, and Ethical Questions.
Open call for 6 PhD Positions at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan. 2 additional positions are made available through the excellence project of our Department. Areas of interest include Logic, among others. The deadline for applications is 24/06 at 2pm. The call is available in Italian at Dottorati di ricerca (PhD) […]
Dr. Davide Ceolin (CWI/VU Amsterdam) is visiting the Logic Group in Milan from 30 of April to 03 of May. Davide will be working with Giuseppe Primiero on a current joint project on source trustworthiness assessment.
New paper published: M. D’Agostino, D. Gabbay and S. Modgil “Normality, Non-contamination and Logical Depth in Classical Natural Deduction” , in Studia Logica
Three new publications have just come out from members of our group on philosophical and epistemological aspects related to the computational sciences: Marcello D’Agostino together with Massimo Durante (University of Turin) analyse the issue of the governance of algorithms in information societies in their introduction to a Special Issue in Philosophy & Technology Hykel Hosni […]