Last talk of the Online Seminar Series 2020 — V. M. Abrusci: Syllogism and linear logic

The last talk for the year within the cycle of online seminars organized by the Milan Logic Group will be given by Vito Michele Abrusci on December 3rd, 2020, at 10:30 via Zoom. Please contact us for details for joining and stay tuned to this website for upcoming news on events for 2021. Abstract. Discoveries […]

Applied logic for… the United Nations

I am proud to announce my logical contribution to the “United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto ” (UNTOC), in particular concerning its Review Mechanism. The Convention represents the only global treaty instrument to fight transnational organized crime, as it counts 190 States parties. An important obligation for the parties to […]

Effects of misinformation diffusion during a pandemic

The role of misinformation diffusion during a pandemic is crucial. An aspect that requires particular attention in the analysis of misinfodemics is the rationale of the source of false information, in particular how the behavior of agents spreading misinformation through traditional communication outlets and social networks can influence the diffusion of the disease. We studied […]