On this page you can find the online lectures of a mini-course given by H. Hosni, P. Baldi and F. A. D’Asaro during the last week of January 2021 to students of the Ph.D. in “Mind, Brain and Reasoning” (it: “Mente, Cervello e Ragionamento”). The course was meant to be a high-level overview of Logic, Probability and Computation. You will need a Unimi Microsoft Teams account to access some of these contents.
Lecture 1 (25/01/21)
Introduction and Motivation
H. Hosni
Lecture 2 (25/01/21)
F. A. D’Asaro
Lecture 3 (26/01/21)
Classical Logic
[needs a teams account]
P. Baldi
Lecture 4 (26/01/21)
Mind and Machines
F. A. D’Asaro
Lecture 5 (27/01/21)
Modal Logics
[needs a teams account]
P. Baldi
Lecture 6 (27/01/21)
Artificial Intelligence Today
F. A. D’Asaro
Lecture 7 (28/01/21)
Probability, Fuzziness and Logic
[needs a teams account]
P. Baldi
Lecture 8 (28/01/21)
Applications and Conclusion
P. Baldi & F. A. D’Asaro