Our Lunch Seminar series re-starts on Monday, February 21! We will host Francesca Toni (Imperial College London) who will give a talk on Argument graphs and assumption-based argumentation. See below for more information and the abstract:

Arguments in structured argumentation are usually defined as trees, and extensions as sets of such tree-based arguments with various properties
depending on the particular argumentation semantics. However, these arguments and extensions may have redundancies as well as circularities, which are conceptually and computationally undesirable. Focusing on the specific case of Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA), we propose novel notions of arguments and admissible/grounded extensions, both defined in terms of graphs.
We show that this avoids the redundancies and circularities of standard accounts, and set out the relationship to standard tree-based arguments and admissible/grounded extensions (as sets of arguments).
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84657174928?pwd=c2lFS2w4RXBUUTNFZ216WGYrakV0UT09