Talk by Jon Williamson at LUCI seminar

Title: The heuristic use of conditionalisation Abstract: This paper argues that Bayesian conditionalisation should not be viewed as a universal norm of updating, but rather as a heuristic principle that is helpful in some circumstances but fails in others. I go on to show that the heuristic use of conditionalisation can be validated by an […]

Talk by Marianna Girlando at LUCI seminar

Title: Conditional logics and labelled proof systems (an introduction) Abstract: Conditional logics, as introduced by David Lewis in 1973, enrich the language of classical propositional logic with a two-places modal operator, the conditional, suitable to represent fine-grained notions of conditionality. After introducing conditional logics and their semantics, that I will define in terms of neighborhood […]

Talk by L. Ceragioli at the workshop Realism and Anti-realism

Leonardo Ceragioli will present “Proof-theoretic semantics and anti-exceptionalism” at the workshop Realism and anti-realism. Paradigms and research programmes in logic and the philosophy of mathematics, held at the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Center of the University of Tübingen on April 28th-29th, 2025. Abstract. In my seminar, I will explore the potential for integrating proof-theoretic semantics with […]

Talk by E. Kubyshkina at PhilMath seminar

Ekaterina Kubyshkina will present “A Hyperintensional Setting for Ignorance” at the PhilMath seminar, hosted by the IHPST at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), on March 4th at 14:00. Abstract: In our presentation, we propose an analysis of ignorance as a hyperintensional notion. In situations where two propositions are logically equivalent, an agent may […]

Talk by Alexander Gebharter at LUCI seminar

Title: Bias in asking for a second expert’s opinion (joint work with Barbara Osimani, Michal Sikorski and Zhitao Zhang) Abstract: In science, policy, and everyday life it is often advantageous to ask for a second expert’s opinion. Intuitively, it seems beneficial to provide the second expert with some background information, including the fact that there was […]

Giornata Mondiale della Logica (World Logic Day)

Nel 2019 l’UNESCO ha proclamato il 14 gennaio Giornata Mondiale della Logica (World Logic Day). L’iniziativa raccoglie adesioni in tutto il mondo, e il calendario di eventi è molto ricco. Grazie al Logic Uncertainty Computation and Information (LUCI) Lab del Dipartimento di Filosofia “Piero Martinetti”, anche l’Università degli Studi di Milano partecipa alle celebrazioni con un incontro dal […]

The LUCI Lab is proud to announce the successful defence of Master’s thesis by Alison Bifolco

Title: Building Trustworthy Autonomous Systems under Uncertainty: a Probabilistic Approach to Ethical Decision-Making Abstract: Autonomous systems, such as driverless cars and drones, are increasingly deployedacross various fields, promising significant socioeconomic benefits. However, thesesystems − especially fully autonomous ones − raise concerns regarding safety, ethics,and compliance with legal and social norms. Trustworthy autonomous systems must demonstrate […]