The next talk of our seminar series will be given by Christian Straßer (Ruhr University Bochum) via Teams (please, see details below) on Monday, March 11h, starting from 12:30 (Milan time). Here it is the title and the abstract of his talk:
Title: Reasoning and explaining with norms and default
Abstract: In this talk I will present a general framework for reasoning with nonmontonic conditionals such as defaults and norms. Attractive features of the framework are: it is unifying, explanatory, proof-theoretic, and able to tackle open theoretical challenges. The framework builds on a labelled sequent-calculus that is embedded in formal argumentation. It is unifying in that it can represent two central paradigms of nonmonotonic logic, constrained input/output logic and default logic. What is more, it naturally enhances default logic with the capability of reasoning disjunctively about cases, a major shortcoming of default logic. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how the framework can be equipped with a dynamic proof theory that is adequate to Dung-style argumentation semantics and how the framework allows for the generation of explanations.
This talk is based on joint work with Ofer Arieli, Kees van Berkel, and Zheng Zhou.